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Techfind proudly presents full seminar report of SILC

The Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol is a new

generation chat protocol which provides full featured conferencing services,
just like any other contemporary chat protocol provides. In addition, it
provides security by encrypting and authenticating the messages in the
network. The security has been the primary goal of the SILC protocol and the
protocol has been designed from the day one security in mind. All packets and
messages travelling in the SILC Network are always encrypted and
authenticated. The network topology is also different from for example IRC
network. The SILC network topology attempts to be more powerful and
scalable than the IRC network. The basic purpose of the SILC protocol is to
provide secure conferencing services. The SILC Protocol have been
developed as Open Source project. The protocol specifications are freely
available and they have been submitted to the IETF. The very first
implementations of the protocol are also already available.SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides secure conferencing services on the Internet over insecure channel. SILC superficially resembles IRC, although they are very different internally. They both provide conferencing services and have almost the same set of
commands. Other than that, they are nothing alike. The SILC is secure and the
network model is entirely different compared to IRC.

Full seminar Report :SILC

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