The ultimate Tech Lab

There were many times i came accross situvations where i want to run a particular program or command at the startup. I googled a lot about this n that madman showed me many ways of doin that. After going through all the ways i finally found the simplest and easiest way that worked for me.

Steps as below:
1. Determine what you need to be invoked (in my case a drive mapping command that maps my most used folders into drives for ease of use).
2. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks -> Add Scheduled Task.
3. Click Next and then browse the file ( This could be a .bat, any program or
anything else you need invoked).
4. Click Next. and Select How frequent you need this task invoked.

Options are:

One Time Only
When my computer starts
When I log on.

5. Click Next. Enter the necessary details, restart and Viola..

It should work!!

Related Topics :

start up tricks, xp startup, windows xp tricks, cool xp tricks, windows start up, start up xp, xp tricks, xp tweaks, run programs on startup, windows xp starup tricks, windows startup,

The ultimate Tech Lab
